Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I LOVE Shaun T but not as much my husband.

Shaun T is flipping amazing but if it wasn't for my motivating husband I may have never found him. It all started about two years ago, my husband Ethan is in the military, and had just come home from his third deployment. He had come home with the ambition of being a healthier dad and husband, before he would just do what was expected of him for the military so he would go to work in the morning participate in physical training but would eat junk and even occasionally smoke cigarettes while deployed or during away training. He kicked those bad habits and started running on his own time. At first I thought, have fun with that, I don't have any weight to lose and I can eat whatever because I don't eat much anyway. After a month or so of him being home I started feeling lazy, look at my husband running at half marathon status, looking good, feeling good and me just sitting on the couch. I decided it was my turn to make the change, the first time I stepped out and ran my first one mile I came home looking like death, no really, Ethan and even my oldest Adalynn were asking "are you OK?" I continued on, began upping my miles and even completed a couple 5ks and 10k. It was awesome! Once I started running daily I started eating healthier naturally because I just preformed better when I ate the right food and I was eating more because of all the exercise. After a year of running and eating better I was feeling great but not really looking any different which was fine like I said I didn't need to lose weight. Then Ethan had to leave again, this time just for a month long training event. How's a mama of two suppose to run when the hubs isn't home to watch the kids? Yes we had a double jogger but you try pushing a 1 and 3 year old up a hill, if you can get passed the extra weight YAY! but my girls did NOT want to sit in the stroller next to each other for more then 2 minutes. So what was I to do?!? That's when I fell for Shaun T, we had a copy of Insanity that was collecting dust since before either kids were born. I put that sucker on and got started, every night after I put the kiddos to bed I would do a round of Insanity and after 30 days I not only continued to feel better but I looked AMAZING! I was so happy, before I was a mom that thought, well I had two babies my body is never gonna look like it did before kids and that is OK....Guess what? I looked BETTER than before babies! I wanted more so I continued on running and began doing T25. I was so happy with my new found outlook on health and fitness that I motivated everyone around me. The circle of people I motivated was small but it didn't matter I just liked supporting other individuals with their fitness goals. You want to know how my fitness journey has continued stay tuned.
                                                 Top left before Insanity, Bottom Right
                                                  after, and to the left a year later while
                                                                         doing T25.

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